Movement Analysis /

Risk Assessment

Our current healthcare system is based on reactive treatment: meaning we only treat things after something happens. The one medical field that doesn’t? Dentistry. We often go there to get checked in fear of a costly dental work and possible disease. Why don’t we treat the rest of our body the same way?

W Movement’s goal is to prevent injuries BEFORE they happen in order to keep our community healthy. Our goal is nothing more than helping our patients avoid using medicines to “manage” pain and return them to hiking, running, playing with their kids, or return to the gym.

Don’t let those same old injuries keep you from the things you love. Fear and age doesn’t have to be an excuse any longer.

Did you know you can identify individuals who are high-risk for knee replacements, years in advance?

We offer a 30 minute FREE assessment to identify any risk factors that may lead to injury and/or is currently limiting you from the activities that you want to do.

We will walk you through a movement screen to see if there any areas of weakness or compensations that need to be addressed. From there we will do a thorough assessment from head-to-toe to if there are concerns both with your soft tissue or your joints.

If there are deficits that you would like to address, we can offer options for receiving a full evaluation and treatment session in order to create a custom program that will be tailored to meet your specific needs.